How Does Pilates Exercises Benefit Men?

How Does Pilates Exercises Benefit Men?


Pamelina Siow

Pilates is a comprehensive head-to-toe workout training for key physical performance factors such as core strength, balance, flexibility, uniform development, and efficient movement patterns. Pilates exercise is also a full-body, muscle strengthening exercise that focuses on developing your abdominals, back muscles and reducing muscle imbalance. It is one of the best choices for sculpting your entire abdominal area, giving you the “eight pack” that most men want. However, many people identify it as an exercise catered for women. Pilates exercises may be dominated by women but it was actually founded by a German gymnast and boxer named Joseph Pilates. He developed “The Pilates Repertoire” that works well for both men and women.


Pilates exercises may improve your sexual life and reduce your chances of getting prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is one of the problems that men face as they get older. It is believed that the deterioration of the pelvic floor muscles is the major factor contributing to prostate cancer. All Pilates exercises focus on activating and engaging pelvic floor muscles. Doing Pilates regularly will strengthen pelvic floor muscles and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

For the same reason that Pilates exercises help in the prevention of prostate cancer, stronger pelvic floor has also been shown to enhance a man’s sexual function. Strong pelvic floor muscles help to improve sexual performance immensely and sexual dysfunction may be decreased through Pilates.

Pilates builds core strength for better sports performance. Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles such as the abdominals and lower back. This kind of core training makes Pilates exercises an excellent technique for foundation cross training with other kinds of exercises and sports. Many famous male professional athletes such as Jason Kidd and Tiger Woods have also added Pilates exercises to their training programs to further enhance their strength, flexibility and coordination. Pilates make your entire body stronger and more powerful, so that it is easier to engage in the sport activities that you are interested in.

Pilates increases flexibility for wider range of movement. Most men will benefit from having greater flexibility. Most men who exercise frequently are strong but their muscles are tensed; for instance runners may have tight and inflexible hamstrings. Pilates exercises which involve stretching of muscles will increase range of motion and improve whole-body fitness by making the tight areas more agile.

There are no fitness and age limitations for Pilates exercises. We understand that it is important to be able to continue your exercise routine as you age. Unfortunately, many forms of exercise may be too hard on your joints when you become older, and hence may no longer be suitable for you. Pilates exercises will be a great exercise for you as you age since it is a low-impact exercise that helps in strengthening your body without harming your joints. Pilates helps a great deal in building your back strength and improving your posture. These are the things that will become more important as you age. Do you guys still think that Pilates is a women’s exercise? It clearly offers a great variation to existing male workout routines. Try it to believe it!Singapore Pilates

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